Légal notice

Site editor :

The website accessible at the address www.vouspouvezdormirdanslagrange.fr (the "Site") is published by the company VPDDLG, registered with the RCS of Paris B under the number 800 814 741, whose registered office is at 4, rue Livingstone - 75018 Paris

Publication Director : Mrs Coralie Frick and Mr Arnaud le Cat

Contact : vouspouvezdormirdanslagrange@gmail.com

Host : Shopify

Design and production : Mrs Coralie Frick and Mr Arnaud le Cat

Personal data :

The information collected from users on the Site is necessary to manage their order or request for information.

VPDDLG only collects from users of the Site the nominative or personal information necessary for the proper execution of orders. This information is essential for the processing and delivery of orders, as well as the preparation of invoices. Otherwise, the order placed by a user cannot be validated, or any request for information taken into consideration.

Cookies can be used for the operation and the taking into account of the orders made on the Site.

In accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, the user has a total right to access, modify, rectify and delete personal data concerning him.

To exercise this right of access, the user can send an e-mail to the following address : contact@vouspouvezdormirdanslagrange.fr